Friday, December 12, 2008

'A Friend'

someone who reaches for your heart and touches your soul;

someone who accepts you because of the person you actually are;

someone who celebrates your happy times and is there to help you through your lows as well;

someone who helps you perceive the real beauty of life through his own eyes;

someone who makes you realise that life is not about seeing the things as they are but as we are;

someone who never indulges in facades or adulation ;

someone who tries his level best to be the most amicable person around you even in times of great distress;

someone who deluges you with care and concern but never eludes you from the reality;

& someone to whom you can pour out all your heart's contents , knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and blow the rest away.

- rohit taneja.

"who rules my heart"

There is someone who rules my heart,
unaffected by the worldly vices,
not budged by any hear-say,
taking out bits of emotions each day,
reminding me of it's presence,
cautioning me not to be carried away,
reprimanding me each time i lose track of my aim,
there is someone who rules my heart.
I keep wondering who is this well wisher of mine,
who cares for my goals & ambitions,
who preserves my inner identity each time i face a delusion,
who is a believer of my justified decisions,
and brings to face each of my mistakes,
who never hesitates in speaking the truth to me ;
however bitter it might be,
knowing that the ultimate benefit will be mine only.
There is someone who rules my heart ,
but unknowing to me,
i keep wondering of this unidentified beneficiary,
i keep waiting for the day his identity is revealed,
so that i can appreciate his presence,
so that i can thank him profusely.
I keep wondering at all odd moments until i realise that it is........
...... me myself.
- rohit